Weight: 16 lbs
New Trick(s): Reaching out and grabbing things; cooing; BIG smiles
Hours Sleeping at Night: 6-8
This chunk is absolutely precious. He will give even the most devout "parenthood is not for me" people baby-fever. He is sweet, cuddly, giggly, and just amazing. Our photo shoot this month is all naked-baby pictures because, what's not to love about a squishy little hunk of love?
He loves his playmat and has started reaching out and grabbing onto the hanging toys. He also lifts his chubby legs up so that he can kick at the toys as well! He coos and squeaks when you talk to him and if you kiss his belly he giggles! Sometimes, when he smiles he looks like he's going to explode with excitement, even if he doesn't actually make any noise.
On the off-chance that he does get a little fussy, nothing can calm him down quite like big brother. If Eli so much as walks into his line of vision, he calms down and stares at him. Now that Tristan is a little bigger, Eli thinks he can poke and prod him which makes Mommy and Daddy very nervous, but Tristan takes it all in stride and is just mesmerized with every move his big brother makes.
The faucets of drool have started happening with this kid, as well as pulling everything into his mouth and soaking it in said drool. I mean, lets face it, babies are gross...but so stinkin' cute!!
Since Eli's development doesn't change that much from month to month, I won't put all of his height/weight/favorites stuff up every single time, but I will show pictures of his latest antics. I wish I could put video on here because that kid is not one to sit still for ANYTHING, let alone photo ops. He is constantly getting into something or making toys out of things that should never be toys.
He loves being outside more than anything in the world. He loves exploring around the barn and playing in the dirt and grass. Although he is a boy through and through and often tries to eat worms and bugs he can catch, the kid is afraid of frogs...Yeah. I couldn't believe it and I tried everything in the world to get him to touch it, but he wanted nothing to do with it. lol
All of brother's baby things are fair game for Eli when it comes to finding new and improved uses for them.