Tuesday, November 20, 2012

We're Prego!!!

That is right folks, we are going to have our first baby and I am SO excited! After getting over the initial "this wasn't planned" shock and "what the heck are we going to do?" feelings, we are feeling excited, anxious, and seriously unprepared. Joshua was in Illinois when I found out. I realized I hadn't had a period in a really long time at around 12:30am one night while I was on the phone with him and started freaking out -- just a little (understatement of the year). I drove to the store at almost one in the morning and bought two pregnancy tests...both of which were positive.

I had my first doctor's appointment today (2 weeks after taking those tests) and found out that I am 8 weeks! My due date is officially July 3, 2013! They did an ultrasound and I got to see the baby's heart beating on the screen which is one of the craziest, most amazing things I have ever experienced! Joshua couldn't come with me to this appointment because of work, but I sent him a text picture of our little bean and he was shocked! He had no clue the baby would be anything more than a little speck, but here it was almost looking like an itty bitty human! I told him I got to hear its heartbeat and he couldn't believe that either! It's so crazy to think that we are going to be parents!

My best friend, Janna, has dubbed our little miracle "Babykins" so that is what he/she shall be called until Joshua and I pick a name! I will start posting pictures as soon as possible and let you know my weekly progress. I've found a lot of fantastic ideas on Pinterest and you can bet I will be using them! I decided this blog would be the best way to keep everyone updated about my progress and to let you all experience this with me!

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