Total weight gain/loss: 17 lbs
Maternity clothes? Yup
Stretch marks? a few
Best moment this week: Enjoying this beautiful spring weather!
Best moment this week: Enjoying this beautiful spring weather!
Miss Anything? Being able to bend over or roll over without feeling as though it is necessary to make Venus and Serena grunting noises.
Movement: He's a ninja, I tell you.
Food cravings: Ice...lots of ice. Does that count as a food? lol
Anything making you queasy or sick: Still just dealing with the heartburn.
Have you started to show yet: Heck yes! It's fun to mess with people when they ask me how far along I am. I just look at them with a serious face and say, "What? I'm not pregnant!" ...the look of terror on their faces is priceless. lol
Gender: BOYHave you started to show yet: Heck yes! It's fun to mess with people when they ask me how far along I am. I just look at them with a serious face and say, "What? I'm not pregnant!" ...the look of terror on their faces is priceless. lol
Labor Signs: Nope!
Belly Button in or out? Half/half. The top part is starting to stick out. Josh was teasing me about it last night.
Happy or Moody most of the time: I have been super nostalgic lately. I think about my past and the things that made me happy in life all of the time. It is seriously causing me to miss my hometown.
Looking forward to: Putting together the baby's room!
We haven't really had much going on this week, aside from work. I'm still pulling overtime at the hospital and Josh being on night shift is really killing us both. It's no fun at all to sit at home on my days off with him here because he has to sleep all day in order to work that night. I have been trying to enjoy the weather, but it's still just not as fun without someone to enjoy it with.
The last time we came a guy sat at this piano and played jazz music the entire time we were there. It was amazing! |
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