Well, since Elijah is now a year old and we will no longer be doing monthly pictures, I decided the only way to keep this blog going would obviously be to get pregnant AGAIN! ...just kidding. But really though, baby boy Ater numero dos will be here in February! Ok, to answer a few questions I know is burning in everyone's brains:
1. Q: Was this planned?
A: Negative. We are just really good at making oops babies. :-)
2. Q: Are you freaking out?!
A: Absolutely. I'm just starting to get used to one kid...now I'm going to have to go through an entirely new transitioning phase! At least they're both boys so I'll be able to use most of what I've learned from Elijah on baby #2.
3. Q: Wait, you already know it's a boy?
A: Yeeeeeah...we waited until we were about 18 weeks before telling anyone. Even though my body is expanding at an ever increasing rate, living out in the country and having no social life made it much easier to conceal my baby belly. That, and we have just been so crazy busy that we decided instead of 2 announcements (1 about the baby and 1 about the gender) we would just do 1!
4. Q: How are you going to handle being the mother of 2 boys?
A: I think if there was ever a woman created to deal with boys, it was me. I have 2 little brothers and all of my cousins are boys. It's second nature to me. lol
5. Q: Are you excited?
A: Yes! My baby is hitting toddler phase and I was just starting to miss all of the baby-ness... Now I get to enjoy both simultaneously!
6. Q: Do you have any names picked out?
A: We have 3 that we are deciding between right now: Jonah, Malachi, and Noah.
7. Q: How far apart will your boys be?
A: 18 months - crazy right?
8. Q: When are you guys getting married? (I get this ALL OF THE TIME)
A: Well, when you plan on an October wedding and buy your dress and then, oops! - you're going to be 6 months pregnant by the time you get to wear this beautiful, tailored-to-your-prebaby-figure dress - you realize that the wedding of your dreams is probably going to have to be postponed. So, we're getting married in October of 2015.
Ok, ok. No more questions. lol This time around I'm not going to do the weekly pictures. I know, I know...I'll probably regret it later, but I never fix myself up enough for photo ops because I'm always at home with Elijah so I don't plan to start now. Yes, this is entirely based upon my laziness factor hitting about a 9 on the Richter Scale. All of that being said, I will keep you guys updated on my progress and this will give me an excuse to keep posting pictures of my adorable kid so...win, win!
So here was how we actually announced it to everyone:
And this is just a cute picture of post-mud bath time! Enjoy!