Age: 10 Months
Weight: 24 lbs
Height: 32 in
Size Clothes: 18-24mo
New Trick(s): Waving, high fives
Hours Sleeping at Night: 12-13
So, this post will be a little different from the rest because the Blanton-Ater bunch has had A LOT going on (but what else is new?). To start, my child is ten months old... What the heck?! My itsy-bitsy baby is no more! He definitely has a personality of his own and it is LOUD. Very loud. lol He just yells constantly. Not mad yelling or crying yelling, just I'm-happy-at-the-world yelling. When we go to the grocery store he yells at everyone there. When we're at church, he yells in between songs when everyone else is quiet. He just loves to make noise! He is also doing a great job at this walking business. As long as he has some balancing help, he's got it on the lock down. He has also learned to wave at people and give high fives! We are also proud to announce that we no longer need a paci! He actually broke himself from that about a month ago, but I forgot to mention it. He is doing much better at learning to occupy himself (the dogs help with that), so Mommy is very thankful! She can actually get some work done!
Speaking of work... Mommy and Daddy have been VERY busy lately! The farm life is extremely different from living in the heart of Louisville, but I wouldn't trade it for the world! It's hard work, but it is so worth it! I cannot even begin to express how thankful I am that God has given us this opportunity. Our son will be raised to know what it means to work for what you have. What you have is only worth the time you put into it, so I want Elijah to be appreciative and humbled by what he has been blessed with and not to take it for granted.
This month Mommy, Nanna, and Aunt Christina threw a baby shower for Uncle Trent and Aunt Sharon! They will be welcoming little miss Emma Scarlett Blanton into their lives in July! Her due date is actually July 4th and mine was July 3rd last year, so Elijah will be getting his first baby girl cousin for his birthday! Since the shower was so close to Easter, we just decided to to an Easter themed shower! It was adorable! I had so much fun with all the pink-themed things! Living with two boys isn't exactly a good environment for pink things. lol
Sharon looked beautiful! |
Pink lemonade in mason jars - that's how we do it in KY! |
My mom made this incredibly sweet Easter basket for Emma! |
My first attempt at a diaper cake |
I am going to steal Chelsea and make her my permanent babysitter. Elijah LOVES her! |
Great-Grandma Brenda |
Sharon and Trent |
My beautiful parents, Eddie and Robin |
Elijah had fun trying to feed Nanna a straw |
Elijah's first Easter egg hunt! |
Aunt Tina let Elijah hang out on the motorcycle with his cousin, Ace. |
This little boy LOVES beards! |
We were able to spend Easter with my family in Richmond and we also got to go see Josh's family as well! Elijah looked precious in his little plaid Easter shirt and khakis! He also got his first hair cut right before the baby shower, but he has a double crown and a cow lick so it is going to be extremely difficult to fix this kid's hair.
The only one missing was my little brother, Cody. |
My handsome men. |
Papaw Eddie |
Sharon, Trent, Papaw, Nanny, Me, and Josh |
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