Thursday, March 26, 2015

Tristan Jude Ater is here!

Tristan is here!! 

Tristan Jude Ater

Born January 22nd, 2015 at 6:03PM

Weighed 8lbs 11oz

20 inches long

Well everyone, here he is! I know there wasn’t as much anticipation behind his arrival because I didn’t document every moment of my journey through pregnancy as I did with his big brother, but I wanted to share his birth story with all of you, as I did with Elijah. 

Although the two of them were similar in weights at birth and were the same length, the similarities in their birth stories just about ends there. With Elijah, we arrived at the hospital at a certain time so I could be induced and, with my husband, mother, and two best friends at my side, we waited patiently through the not-so-painful contractions until he was born. Tristan, on the other hand, was a completely different story…

About 2 weeks before he was born (I was 36 weeks pregnant), I started having regular, increasingly painful contractions that lasted from 8AM to 2AM the next morning. I called the hospital when my contractions were 5 minutes apart and they told me I should come in. When Josh and I got there I was only dilated 1cm and after an hour, I had not progressed. The nurses voiced their apologies because my contractions were so regular, they just new I would be in labor, but alas…it was false labor. By my next doctor’s visit, I had progressed to 3cm and my OB said she expected my water to break any day. So, on that news, I waited for 2 weeks thinking it was never going to happen.

Mom with Tristan

The baby was measuring huge on ultrasounds (the last one put him at almost 9lbs) so they had scheduled to induce me at 39 weeks if he didn’t come beforehand. My wonderful mother stayed with me for 2 weeks as we awaited my induction date (Jan 24th). 

My husband had a big meeting at work on the 22nd and so every morning that week he would say, "Don't go into labor today. Just hold out until Saturday. Ok? Ok." Well, Tristan must have misheard his daddy and thought that he was telling him to be sure he came on the 22nd because I woke up that morning having incredibly strong contractions. My contractions were extremely irregular and sometimes they would be 12-15 min apart and because of my previous, false labor experience, I kept putting off going to the hospital. Finally, at around noon I decided the pain was just too much not to be real labor. I asked my mom to stay at the house with Eli, just in case I wasn't actually in labor and I called Josh. His meeting was supposed to be at 12:30 so he said he would get there as soon as he could. 

I drove myself to the hospital, pulling over twice to have contractions. When I got there and the nurses checked me, I was dilated 6cm. After being checked, my contractions sped up significantly and they were excruciating. I called Josh and my mom. It was now around 1:30PM and Josh said the guy he was meeting with still wasn't there, but he was trying his best to get there and my mom couldn't leave the house until someone got there to take care of Eli. After about a few hours, I finally got an epidural, but my blood pressure plummeted. This would have to be the moment my mom got there and she wasn't allowed in the room. After my 7th iv attempt, they were finally able to get a line and my blood pressure regulated. Naturally, my mom was terrified when they wouldn't let her in, but I was no longer in pain so I felt wonderful. Josh got there about 30 minutes later.  

We waited for the next few hours until I reached 10cm. When it came time for me to push, Tristan was born on the very first he basically shot out like a rocket. At 6:03PM he was born and he was perfect. I could not have been more thankful for such an easy birth after that rocky start. Unfortunately, after they put him on my chest for kangaroo care, my blood pressure dropped again and they had to hand him over to Josh to try and get it regulated again. It didn't take long before I was back to normal and I could hold my not-so-little baby again. 

Big brother was finally allowed to come in and see him, but at this point it was way past his bed-time and he was exhausted. It had started snowing really bad and so Josh's dad and step-mom had to take Eli home before the roads got too bad. 

Snow the morning after Tristan was born
Tristan didn't actually get his name until the day after he was born. Josh and I had been debating for months over what to name him and, although "Tristan Jude" had been an option for a long time, we had wanted to call him "Jude" instead of Tristan. Well, after he was here, we decided on Tristan and I am so glad we did. 

All in all, everything went well and we are very blessed. We now have two of the cutest little boys imaginable and we couldn't be happier! 

Daddy watching the UK game in the hospital with Tristan

Uncle Trent holding his nephew for the first time

1 week old baby Tristan

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