Tuesday, February 5, 2013

18 Weeks

How far along?  18 weeks

Total weight gain/loss: 6lbs so far, but I haven't been on a scale since the last Dr's visit

Maternity clothes? Finally, yes. I have realized how wonderful the belly band is and that I don't have to suffer through barely-buttonable pants any longer.

Stretch marks? a few on my breasts

Best moment this week: Looking at ideas for the nursery with Joshua.

Miss Anything? Sushi and queso

Movement: YES!!! I have started feeling it every day now and the kicks get stronger every day too! 

Food cravings: Yogurt, salads, cereal... I think maybe I'm taking a turn for the best. lol (Granted, I did eat an entire, brand new jar of dill pickle slices by myself...in one sitting) :-\

Anything making you queasy or sick: No. I had a migraine which caused me to get really sick, but that was all.

Have you started to show yet: Yup! It's finally to the point that people look at me and are reminded of the fact that I'm pregnant rather than being in shock when I tell them. lol 

Gender: 1 week left of suspense! 

Labor Signs: No

Belly Button in or out? In

Happy or Moody most of the time: Happy!

Looking forward to: My 20 week ultrasound and finally finding an apartment!

This baby has started moving so much! I had noticed little flutters every once in a while, but I was sitting at a Superbowl party and realized he/she was just kicking away! I think somebody is a football fan (or maybe it was just Beyonce)! Since then, I have felt movement every single day, multiple times a day! It's so magical and every time I notice it I basically stop whatever I'm doing just to take it all in and realize the magnitude of the situation -- There is, literally, a living human inside my body right now. It is really a miracle.

As far as the apartment is concerned, it has been ridiculously hard to find a place. Everywhere we thought might be decent was either terrible, or there was something crucially wrong with the place. We even considered taking Lakota to Josh's mom's and letting her keep him, just because we were having such a difficult time finding a place without a 40lb dog limit, but neither of us want to do that. He is our baby too. We are still looking and I will keep you posted!

It has been snowy up here in L'ville, but we are snuggling up and staying warm. I am looking forward to warmer weather soon, but I know it is going to be both a blessing and a curse being pregnant in the summer. A blessing because, after the baby is born I'll be able to take it for walks with the dogs and that will make it easier to burn off my post-baby belly. A curse because I am going to be huge, and pregnant, and hot before the baby is born. lol I can't wait nonetheless!

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