Friday, December 21, 2012

12 Weeks

 How far along?  12 weeks

Total weight gain/loss: I'm pretty sure I've put on a little weight, but I haven't actually weighed myself. lol
Maternity clothes? Nope Stretch marks? No thank you.
Best moment this week:Telling all of my best friends about the baby!
Miss Anything? Sushi.... oh how I miss sushi. Movement: Just what we saw on the ultrasound
Food cravings:Red meat... I think I'm turning into a man. ;-)
Anything making you queasy or sick: Nope! Morning sickness is going away!!!
Have you started to show yet: I can tell, but no one else really can.
Gender ???
Labor Signs: Nope
Belly Button in or out? In
Happy or Moody most of the time: Happy!!
Looking forward to: My next doctor's appointment. For the first time in my life, going to the doctor is exciting! lol

 So this week was EXTRA exciting for me because I got to tell all of my best girl friends about Babykins!! We had out 7th annual Friendsmas dinner and gift exchange so the timing was perfect! A few years ago we happened upon this game called Telephone-Pictionary where one person writes a phrase on a piece of paper and hands it to their neighbor. That person then has to draw a picture of what the first person wrote then pass that to their other neighbor who then writes what they think the drawing says and at the end we go back through and read the story from what the saying began as to what the ending result became. It is our absolute favorite game! Well my two best friends, Ashley and Janna already knew about the baby so I got them to sit next to each other. Janna wrote "Rachelle is PREGNANT" on the paper and Ashely drew a picture. When it came time for Janna to read her story she announced that she would read it backwards. She started with what it ended as which was something about a duck being a harp critic, then worked her way back. When she said, "Rachelle is Pregnant" everyone just paused and looked at her with a very confused expression. Then they gradually moved their attention to me. I just smiled and said, "Take it in guys. That part is true," and then everyone started freaking out. It was hilarious and absolutely perfect!! I love those girls so much and I'm so glad I was able to use one of our traditions to share this awesome news!

(L-R) Top: Emily, Kayla, Ashley, Me, Blossom. Bottom: Breanna & Ricki. Not Pictured: Janna & Mary.

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