Thursday, January 24, 2013

16 Weeks

How far along?  16 weeks 

Total weight gain/loss: 6lbs

Maternity clothes? Not yet

Stretch marks? Ugh...I noticed two on my boobs today

Best moment this week: Finding our new doctor!

Miss Anything? Sushi, lunch meat, copious amounts of caffeine

Movement: YES!!! I have starting feeling "flutters" in my stomach. Baby Ater loves to move and groove, so I can't wait until they get strong enough for Joshua to feel!

Food cravings: Salt...oh how I love salt. It's terrible. I'm going to have a ridiculous amount of edema if I don't stop. lol

Anything making you queasy or sick: Well, I've never been one to get grossed out by movies or shows. I can generally scarf down a cheeseburger while watching all of the gross things on "Bones", but I was watching "Dexter" yesterday and eating pasta and when I saw the fake, dismembered body parts on the show, I started gagging. I work in a hospital, so I NEVER get grossed out by stuff...until now. lol

Have you started to show yet: Yup... it's so weird seeing my belly every day. 

Gender: We find out on February 11th!

Labor Signs: No

Belly Button in or out? In

Happy or Moody most of the time: So, SO happy!

Looking forward to: My 20 week ultrasound!

First and foremost, my sincere apologies for the picture and the super late post. I'll post a 17 week picture tomorrow. I have been running around like mad lately and I just haven't had time to breathe. I'll explain all of that in my next post.

So, Joshua has a friend here in Louisville who's wife, Jenna, just had a baby about 6 months ago. She was telling me all about her doctor and how much she loved her and so I decided I had to check it out. I called and made an appointment with Total Woman and we were really impressed when we got there. After meeting Dr. Wilson (whom we adored!) we opened the door to leave and another one of Josh's friend's wives, Chelsea, was in the room directly across the hall! She is due very soon and it was just so random and funny that she and I would just-so-happen to be there on the same day when we didn't even know that's where she was going for her appointments! 

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